Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I survived!

Surgery went well, the polyp was huge, the size of the doctors thumb!  Sadly I will have to have the same surgery again soon as he also found that I either have a heart shapped uterus or I do have a septum afterall.  He would have fixed it yesterday but I wasn't able to give consent.  Thank you prayer buddy, if you're reading, our prayers were answered, I did well during and after surgery.  In fact, I haven't had any pain or need for medication.  The worst part has been sore legs from the position I was in and my throat is super sore from the vent.  Nothing I can't handle though, it's so "easy" compared to what it could have been.


  1. You're welcome! I'm still praying! Whew...you have no idea how hard it was to wait to say that. :)

  2. Oh thank you sooooo much!!!!! I appreciate it more than you know and need it as much!
